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Student Spotlights

March Student Spotlight: George Evans

Meet March’s Spotlight Student, George Evans! George initially started lessons to learn drums, but in the six months he’s been a Mason Music student, he’s also begun to learn piano, too. We applaud George for following his passions. Way to go, George!

This image shows George, a happy young boy, smiling and sitting behind his drum kit, drumsticks in hand.

When we asked George how he joined the Mason Music community, he said that he had really wanted to learn how to play drums. After drum lessons with Billy, George sized up the keys and added piano lessons with Pam into his agenda, too. Speaking of teachers – Pam said the following about her student: “One of the extraordinary things about George is that he has an innate curiosity which leads him to want to find out how and why things work. This motivates him to practice diligently and consistently. It is a delight to observe his keen mind in action and teach this very dedicated student who has already discovered a great passion for music.” Rock on!

The best part of music lessons according to George? “I have had a lot of fun learning different instruments. I look forward to coming each week,” he shares. (We look forward to seeing you, too, George!). Music isn’t the only source of fun in George’s life; this well-rounded student also loves to play basketball and soccer.

When asked if he had any advice for other music students, George said: “Keep trying even when it gets hard!”. We couldn’t have said it any better ourselves! After all, practice makes progress.

What’s George focusing on in lessons now? Listen out in the studio for a rendition of “Hold On” by Alabama Shakes on drums or “Carol of the Bells” on piano and you might just hear George’s latest songs. If you’re lucky, you might even catch George performing at one of our Spring Recital dates!

George seated on his piano bench, sight reading music as he plays.

George is such a special member of our Mason Music community! Aside from being a dedicated student who loves music, George’s kind heart and polite manners stand out to everybody who meets him. Give George a high five when you see him next!

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