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Mason Music Student Spotlight: Marielle Vientos

2020 was a universally strange and challenging year, and many people found themselves starting to explore new hobbies and activities. The same was true for Marielle Vientos, 12 at the time, who started watching online videos on how to play the ukulele. Her parents surprised her with online lessons at Mason Music, and she started taking lessons with Tim in the midst of a global pandemic. Before long, Marielle started showing an interest in bass and asked Tim about it. Marielle remembers the moment fondly because Tim said “Well, you’re in luck because that’s my instrument!”

Marielle Bass

There is something special about the relationship between students and teachers at Mason Music, and Marielle and Tim are great examples of that. Marielle discovered her love for bass through Tim, and his passion for bass, but more than that, she has discovered who she is through his guidance and support. She says that “going to lessons is by far [her] favorite part of [her] day.”

Marielle Avondale

A few years ago, Marielle would have never guessed that her bass lessons with Tim would lead to her being part of one of Rock Band League’s champions. In January of 2022, she was placed in a band for the spring season and their group, now named Bassment, was a hit. With their coach, Richy, guiding them along the way, they are now in the midst of their second season together as a band, and are already making an amazing impression. More importantly, they have created a friendship that is so valuable for Marielle. They push each other to do more and work harder, and Marielle has even started taking voice lessons with Julianne to expand her vocal abilities. Much like Tim and Richy, Julianne has become a source of constant encouragement for Marielle, and she now has a team of teachers that are supporting her dreams.

Marielle Fennec Looking Down

When Marielle first started performing on stage with Rock Band League, it didn’t take long for people to notice her. Her musical talents are obviously there, but she also really brings some incredible energy and stage presence to her performance. This can be so hard to encourage in performers, especially at a young age, but Marielle has a natural gift for owning the stage and engaging her audience. She has been a source of inspiration for other students and a perfect example of what it looks like to be a total rockstar, no matter how old you are. She has an innate understanding of the music business too, and within a few months of starting Bassment, she started an Instagram account to promote their shows and engage with their growing fanbase. Within 9 months, they gained over 1000 followers! Be sure to give them a follow!


Marielle is such a well-rounded musician and she is passionate and hungry for her future musical career. She has big plans to diversify her music repertoire and push her limits as a vocalist and bassist. It’s hard to teach the kind of drive that she has, and it’s pretty amazing to find that drive in someone so young. We have loved watching Marielle grow as a musician, and are confident that her future will hold some big things for her and Bassment. Tim, Richy, Julianne, and all of us at Mason Music will be right here beside her to cheer her on!

Marielle Smile

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